501.BC Indonesia/12–1348: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Batavia 1
647. Usgoc 237. On Dec 10 ECA advised reps OEEC countries here of allotments of funds for programming purposes for certain shipments in 1949. Included in allotment was 74 million dollars to Netherlands, of which part for possible use in Indonesia. Following meeting with all country reps, ECA emphasized to Dutch rep that allotment did not constitute commitment of funds and that, in view of situation in the NEI, ECA must reserve right to review carefully any allotment for use in NEI.
ECA will make allotments public on Dec 14. Body of press release will emphasize all allotments for programming purposes and do not constitute commitments.
- Repeated as 623 to The Hague.↩