856d.00/12–948: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Belgium


1622. You are presumably familiar through info tels with general course negotiations Dutch-Indo dispute between Stikker, Neth Fonmin, and Hatta, Indo Repub Prime Min. [Here follow quotations from Mr. Cochran’s recommendations in telegram 1068, December 5, from Batavia, page 523, and from the Department’s aide-mémoire of December 7, page 531.]

In view influential position Spaak in Western European system and in view membership Belgian Govt on GOC, suggest your discretion you call on Spaak, express US Govt’s concern that voluntary peaceful settlement be reached Indonesia and its regret that Stikker-Hatta conversations were discontinued, and show but not leave text foregoing aide-mémoire. Explain to Spaak that this is shown to him on a personal and confidential basis so that he fully understands US position in this difficult but important matter, the solution of which so vital to Netherlands, Benelux and Western European system.
