501.BB Palestine/3–1348: Telegram
The Minister in Saudi Arabia (Childs) to the Secretary of State
129. ReLegtel 107, March 4.1 Azzam Pasha informed me today that after conferring with King Abdullah it had been agreed that he, Azzam, should send a circular telegram to Arab states cautioning them against making any statements or committing any acts which might be interpreted by SC as threat international peace. He had pointed out Palestinian conflict was civil one and it was most important from Arab states’ own interest not do anything which would give SC occasion use force in Palestine. Azzam indicated he understood and was in thorough accord viewpoint expressed by Department.
I acquainted him confidentially with situation reported Department’s 76, March 11.2 He immediately drafted telegram to Syrian Prime Minister referring Azzam’s previous telegram of caution (sent about March 8) and repeating necessity Arab states do nothing which might imperil international peace and security Middle East. Azzam indicated he sympathized most heartily position Department as set forth its telegram 58 to Damascus.
Sent Department 129; repeated Baghdad 11, Cairo 37, Damascus 3. Cairo please pouch to Jerusalem, Beirut.