867N.01/12–1348: Telegram
Mr. Wells Stabler to the Acting Secretary of State
155. 1. It is understood that about December 7 King sent message to Nokrashy Pasha by Transjordan Minister to Egypt informing him of Jericho Conference resolutions and requesting Egypt’s support. Nokrashy replied to Prime Minister end last week to effect that Egypt considered it unfortunate that Transjordan had decided to pursue independent policy re Palestine when Arab states had agreed that there should be unanimity.1 Apparently message has annoyed Prime Minister who is sending reply to Nokrashy stating that Transjordan must consider present situation on basis facts and that next meeting Arab League Political Committee he proposes point out realities of situation to other Arab states, which realities may not be pleasing. It appears that “ostrich-like” policy of Arab states is causing resentment here almost to point of determination take independent line.
2. It is reported that Sassoon of Israeli Foreign Office is now in [Page 1668] Jerusalem and has been placed in contact with Abdullah Bey el Tel, Arab Legion Military Governor of Jerusalem, through Colonel Dayan of Israeli forces. Repeated Jerusalem 74; Cairo 5.
- On December 14, Mr. Stabler reported understanding that Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen had followed Egypt’s lead in protesting to King Abdullah regarding the resolutions of the Jericho Conference (telegram 157, 867N.01/12–1448), The Arab League, on December 14, also made a protest in a note to the Transjordanian Legation in Egypt. Cairo, the same day, transmitted to the Department the text of the note, as well as the Legation’s note of the previous day to the Arab League (despatch 1000, 867N.01/12–1448).↩