501.BB Palestine/12–848: Telegram
The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation at Paris (Dulles) to the Acting Secretary of State
Delga 1120. Bunche who has just returned to Paris from Cairo, Amman, Tel Aviv and Haifa reports comment in Transjordan principally by Abdullah and Prime Minister that US is withholding recognition Transjordan in order give Israel opportunity at later date to make claim to additional area in Transjordan (which was part of Palestine mandate until 1922). Bunche says Transjordan officials do not understand our continued refusal to recognize Transjordan and are extremely apprehensive as a result. Bunche says that Abdullah would feel more free, if the US had recognized Transjordan, to commence political discussions with Israel. Abdullah apparently feels it [Page 1656] would be difficult for him to take such action without having been recognized, as he would in effect be out in front of the other members of the Arab League. Bunche believes that Transjordan’s apprehensions and attitude toward recognition is now a real factor in Palestine situation. Bunche said he realized why US had not yet extended recognition although we had supported Transjordan’s application for UN membership since 1946, but wondered whether US extension de facto recognition at this time might not have desirable stabilizing effect.
Sent Department Delga 1120; repeated London as 1448, Amman as 4.