867N.01/12–248: Telegram
Mr. Wells Stabler to the Acting Secretary of State
138. During talk with Prime Minister this morning following points discussed:
1. Jerusalem cease-fire. Talks had originated on political level with Transjordan Government and Jews having given instructions to military commanders to hold meetings. While at present talks only concern questions relating to truce, it is envisaged they might be extended into political matters. However, Prime Minister said he must proceed with great caution in this connection having regard for attitude other Arab states and depending on general circumstances. Consequently at this stage it will not be possible for Transjordan and Jews meet as governments to consider political points at issue.
Jews appear to show sincere desire reach accord with Transjordan, although it is understood that they have only their interests in mind. Jews have always felt “safe” as regards King but they now see Transjordan Government also responsible. King has maintained contacts with Jews through personal emissaries. While Prime Minister does not approve such contacts, he does not oppose them in belief that they may prove useful channels should time arrive for more direct negotiations. If, however, they become known, they can be repudiated as not approved by government. Publicity re Jerusalem talks is not harmful as truce matters only dealt with. Prime Minister stated he cannot undertake negotiations but would not oppose King’s wishes. Latter’s policy is definitive and if he chooses negotiate, Prime Minister will resign to open way for government of negotiation.
2. Conciliation Commission. Arab League Political Committee meeting will probably be called as soon as UN makes decision re Palestine. If Conciliation Commission resolution is adopted, believe Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, because of public opinion, will reject it. Egypt’s position still unclear but there are signs pointing to more reasonable attitude. If Egypt and Transjordan can agree, probable other Arab states will follow. Prime Minister plans attend League Political Committee meeting himself in order endeavor persuade others to accept UN” decisions.
Prime Minister said that in his opinion evidence does exist that other Arab leaders in general are developing more realistic outlook on Palestine situation, particularly in private talks. He was surprised at Iraqi Prime Minister’s recent declaration as latter had in recent meetings with Abdullah, Prime Minister and even Palestine Arabs shown himself more in touch with facts.
Speculating on different possibilities Prime Minister said that if [Page 1642] Arab League rejected Conciliation Commission, Transjordan might decide to treat with Commission alone. It would explain publicly that attempts to persuade others to be reasonable had failed and that in deciding to follow this course it had taken into consideration expressed desires of Palestine Arabs. Prime Minister emphasized that such view entirely tentative and that in general it would be preferable to have concurrence of Arab states.
3. Second Palestine conference. (Mytel 136, November 30.1) Meeting of significance in that it proposed to King that he settle Palestine question either by fighting or by peace. Leaders were not “brave enough” to request peace settlement outright but in any event their resolution gives a definite choice. Believed persons at meeting plus those sharing views far more representative of Palestine Arabs than Gaza Government.
Sent Jerusalem by pouch; repeated Gadel 26 and Arab capitals.
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