501.BB Palestine/11–2948: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Delegation at Paris
Gadel 611. 1. Re Griffis’ appointment,1 confirm (McClintoek-Rusk telephone conversation this afternoon) that President highly gratified at word SYG will appoint Griffis as Director Palestine relief (Delga. 961, Nov. 272). Griffis will serve without pay in this post and, will be on leave of absence from his Emb at Cairo.
2. Re Delga 986, Nov. 29,2 Undersecretary has informally discussed question Congressional appropriation of $16 million for Palestine-refugee relief with Vandenberg, Eaton, Connally, Bloom, Barkley, Lucas and Biffle. Reaction, although not enthusiastic, on whole favorable.
You are authorized officially state that President, following passage by GA of Palestine refugee resolution, will seek $16 million appropriation from Congress as this Govt’s share of $32 million total in earnest; hope other govts will meet remainder this contribution. However, it is of utmost importance your statement make absolutely clear that this is not commitment by US Govt to do more than ask for Congressional appropriation. Final decision must rest with Congress.