Editorial Note
The Soviet Representative, on November 25, submitted a draft resolution to the First Committee calling for withdrawal of all foreign troops and military personnel from Palestine; for text, see GA, 3rd sess., Pt. I, First Committee, Annexes, 1948, page 75. The following day, the Syrian Representative submitted a draft resolution calling for creation of a commission “to prepare proposals for the establishment of a single State of the whole of Palestine on a cantonization or federal basis”; for text, see ibid.
Several additional resolutions were proposed during the meetings of the First Committee. Inasmuch as many of the provisions of the drafts overlapped, the Committee, on November 26, adopted an oral proposal by the Canadian Representative to appoint a working group to prepare a consolidated tabulation of the various texts and amendments (GA, 3rd sess., Pt. I, First Committee, Summary Records, 1948, pages 788, 789). The Working Group completed such a tabulation the following day; for text, see GA, 3rd sess., Pt. I, First Committee, Annexes, page 76.