867N.01/10–1548: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Smith) to the Acting Secretary of State
Moscow, October
15, 1948—7 p. m.
2345. As Palestine question comes up in GA1 there are no fresh indications Soviet attitude beyond those previously reported, which coincide with statements in joint manifesto of CPS of Near East (Damascus 634, October 7 to Department,2 repeated Paris as 22 for GADel). It seems clear Soviet delegation will:
- (1)
- strongly support original partition resolution November 29, 1947 pressing particularly for setting up independent Arab state in non-Israel portion Palestine;
- (2)
- charge Anglo-American maneuvers responsible for non-application partition and continuance civil war, citing especially activities British officered Arab Legion and exclusion Soviet representatives from Truce Commission;
- (3)
- strongly oppose Bernadotte report as imperialistic Anglo-American sponsored scheme;
- (4)
- similarly oppose any proposal involving extension territories or influence Abdullah, whom they regard as British agent despite intimations to Arab diplomats here of possible dramatic volte-face in Soviet position (Embtel 2186, September 29) and press attack on present Israel government (Embtel 2078, September 212), we do not really expect any major public shift. In voting against Bernadotte Plan or any variation thereof, Soviet delegation would, however, publicly disassociate itself from UN action or any responsibility in connection with application of UN decision and thus gain relative freedom of action to exploit chaotic Near-Eastern situation to maximum.
Sent Department 2345, repeated London 261, Paris for Gadel 478.
- The First Committee began discussion of Count Bernadotte’s progress report on October 15 (United Nations, Official Records of the Third Session of the General Assembly, Part I, First Committee, Summary Records of Meetings, 21 September–8 December 1948, p. 160; hereinafter identified as “GA, 3rd sess., Pt. I, First Committee, Summary Records, 1948”).↩
- Not printed.↩
- Not printed.↩