501.BB Palestine/10–1448: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting Secretary of State
Delga 326. [Here follows a discussion of various aspects of the question of assistance to Arab refugees, including information that Dr. Bunche would soon present a report estimating requirements for approximately 468,000 refugees for the period January through August 1949 at $23,500,000 and additional administrative costs at $2,500,000.]
Following being presented members USDel, October 15, as US interim position:
- 1.
- Action on measures of assistance to Arab refugees and on provisions for their implementation should be taken in relation to general settlement of political problem of Palestine.
- 2.
- As to substance of problem of assistance USDel should take position:
- a.
- That UN should take initiative in organizing assistance and should determine organization to administer assistance (preferably expansion of Mediator’s relief organization).
- b.
- That total amount required be determined and a recommendation [Page 1478] adopted that all governments contribute voluntarily in accordance with an operational scale of contributions to be recommended by Committee on Contributions, subcommittee (of?)1 Committee 5 reflecting capacities of members to pay and their special interest in this particular problem.
- c.
- That recommendation to be adopted by GA described in b above include an appeal to specialized agencies of UN, particularly FAO, WHO, IRO, and ICEF, to contribute specialized personnel, supplies, and services within limits of their constitutional provisions and financial resources.
- 3.
- Budget Bureau and Congressional leaders should be apprised of nature of problem by Acting Secretary of State and at least tacit approval obtained of program outlined in paragraph 2. Question of obtaining US supplies such as blankets and food on urgent emergency basis in advance of Congressional appropriation subject to reimbursement or replacement should be explored with Department of Defense and with Red Cross. This would require clearance with Congressional legislative and appropriation leaders of both major parties.
- 4.
- USDel should be prepared to support moving this item up on agenda of Committee 3 for debate as soon as principal governments had had time to mature their positions on basis of Acting Mediator’s report on assistance to Arab refugees. This report will be presented to Committee 3 promptly after completion, perhaps by October 20–22 to enable delegates to study problem.
Following alternatives thoroughly explored and considered less desirable:
- 1.
- Include item assistance in UN budget with mandatory contributions on basis special operational scale;
- 2.
- Refer problem to IRO;
- 3.
- Include appeal to voluntary agencies for contributions; and
- 4.
- Appeal solely to private sources.
US, UK delegations will have opportunity to examine Cilento’s budget in detail before presentation to Committee 3.
Department will be advised as soon as GADel has firm recommendation US position.2