Editorial Note

Mr. Bunche’s cablegram of September 30 (see page 1442) and Mr. Macdonald’s message of the same date (see editorial note, page 1444) were considered by the Security Council on October 14. Mr. Bunche addressed the Council, noting the increasing tendency by the parties concerned to ignore their responsibilities under the several truce resolutions. He concluded his presentation with the view that “an expression by the Security Council, at this time, of its firm expectation that all the obligations resting on the disputing parties as a result of the Council’s truce resolutions of 29 May, 15 July and 19 August would be honoured, would be very helpful indeed to the situation.…” (SC, 3rd yr., No. 116, pages 14–20). The United Kingdom, thereupon, offered a draft resolution which outlined the duties of both sides regarding the truce and called on the Provisional Government of Israel to report on Count Bernadotte’s assassination; for text, see ibid., page 28. China associated itself as co-sponsor of the draft resolution (ibid., page 37).