Memorandum by Mr. Dean Rush to the Secretary of State
Immediately upon his return Mr. Dulles called me in to discuss further the bipartisan aspect of the Palestine question.
He said he had discussed the matter at some length with Mr. Dewey and that Mr. Dewey had “a very strong intention” not to stir up the Palestine issue during the remainder of the campaign. Although Mr. Dewey is under enormous pressure, his present plan is to leave the matter alone. Mr. Dulles emphasized that he was not authorized to make any fiat commitment and also stated that Mr. Dewey’s conduct would be conditioned somewhat on the President’s. I had the impression that when Mr. Dulles used the words “Very strong intention” he was seeking words which were as strong as possible short of an absolute commitment.
I told Mr. Dulles that I certainly was not in a position to make or seek a commitment from the other side but that I felt the Secretary would be encouraged in his own efforts to know that Mr. Dewey would probably co-operate in keeping the matter out of the campaign.1
- The text of this memorandum was transmitted to the Department in telegram Delga 252, October 8, 6 p. m. (501.BB Palestine/10–848)↩