867N.01/10–248: Telegram

The Ambassador in Egypt (Griffis) to the Acting Secretary of State (Lovett)

Unnumbered. From Ahmad Hilmi Pasha, Premier and Acting Foreign Secretary. In virtue of the natural right of the people of Palestine for self-determination which principle is supported by the Charters of the League of Nations, the United Nations and others and in view of the termination of the British mandate over Palestine which had prevented the Arabs from exercising their independence, the Arabs of Palestine, who are the owners of the country and its indigenous inhabitants and who constitute the great majority of its legal population, have solemnly resolved to declare Palestine in its entirety and within its boundaries as established before the termination of the British mandate an independent state and constituted a government under the name of the All Palestine Government deriving its authority from a representative council based on democratic principles and aiming to safeguard the rights of minorities and foreigners, protect the holy places and guarantee freedom of worship to all communities, I wish to take this opportunity to express to Your Excellency the earnest desire of the All Palestine Government to establish relations of cordiality and cooperation with your country.1 [Ahmad Hilmi Pasha.]

  1. Mr. Burrows informed an Embassy officer of information from Amman that the Arab Palestine Government had been established at Gaza under Egyptian auspices, that word had been sent to supporters of the Mufti to rally to Gaza, and that arms had been distributed to anti-Hashemite elements (telegram 4312, September 29, 6 p. m., from London, 867N.01/9–2948). London, on October 7 advised the Department that the British Government had no intention of recognizing “this so-called government” (telegram 4423, 867N.01/10–748).

    Earlier, Jamal Husseini, Foreign Minister designate in the new government, informed Mr. Stabler that the government had been formed “so that Palestine Arabs would have legal position vis-à-vis Arab League and as evidence Palestine Arabs determination continue fight against Jews” (telegram 65, September 26, 1 p. m., from Amman, 867N.01/9–2648).

    According to Lebanese Foreign (Minister Frangié, the “Gaza Government was set up as opposition to Abdullah. … popular reaction is that other Arabs wish to thwart Abdullah’s ambitions for federation of Arab regions with Transjordan; [and] concomitant tacit recognition of Israel.” (Telegram 498, October 1, 3 p. m. 867N.01/10–148)