800.00 Summaries/9–2248: Circular telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices 1
Please urgently bring to attention Head of State, PriMin or FonMin See’s statement Sept 21 re Bernadotte’s conclusions for settlement Palestine question (cirtel Sept 21).
In so doing you should stress this Govt’s deep concern over dangers inherent in present Palestine situation. This Govt considers that acceptance of Bernadotte’s conclusions would provide Arab and Jewish leaders with statesmanlike opportunity of making major contribution to NE peace and thereby to world peace. We believe such acceptance would serve best interests of all NE countries. It would permit resumption of stable conditions under which NE peoples may again devote their energies and resources to constructive purposes. Rejection of reasonable settlement, on other hand, which would prolong present disturbed conditions in NE would undoubtedly have further detrimental effect on wellbeing of NE peoples and on stability and security of whole NE. This Govt accordingly urges that favorable consideration be given by all NE States to Bernadotte’s final report to UN.
For your info only, we realize that acquiescence rather than acceptance conclusions may be most we can hope for. We feel, however, it would be tactical mistake to urge less than acceptance.
- At Arab capitals, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, London, and Paris, the last for the information of the Delegation to the General Assembly.↩