
Memorandum by the Secretary of State to President Truman


Reference is made to my secret memorandum of August 30, 1948, relating to the de jure recognition of the Governments of Israel and Transjordan.

For your background guidance, I am attaching press clippings relating to my press conference on September 81 at which I was questioned [Page 1380] concerning the extension of de jure recognition to Israel by the United States. I became committed to a reply of the nature made by me because of my ill-advised use of the expression that the de jure recognition was “a matter of timing”.

If you are also questioned on this subject, it is suggested that the press correspondents be informed that the question of de jure recognition of Israel will not be finally decided until a recommendation is received from the State Department. It might also be stated that a recommendation is not expected from the State Department until elections have been held in Israel, now scheduled to take place about October 1.

G. C. Marshall
  1. Attached to the ribbon copy are typescript copies of two unidentified news dispatches (Truman Papers, President’s Secretary’s File).