501.BB Palestine/8–2448
Memorandum by the Secretary of State to President Truman
There is attached a proposed reply to Mr. McDonald’s top secret telegram from Tel Aviv, No. 70, August 24,1 a copy of which is also attached.
It is proposed to answer Mr. McDonald in terms of the enclosed draft telegram.
The Department of State, if you concur, would then inform the British Foreign Secretary immediately of our suggestions to the Provisional Government of Israel.2 It seems probable that the question of Palestine will be placed before the United Nations General Assembly in September and it is essential that US and UK policy be coordinated before that time. Likewise, it would be of great advantage if the two governments could concert a line of policy with the United Nations Mediator, Count Bernadotte, whose views on a territorial settlement are very similar to those set forth in the attached draft telegram. The only exception is that Count Bernadotte now seems to feel that Jerusalem cannot be internationalized—successfully, and has suggested that the city be placed under Arab sovereignty but with wide guarantees for local autonomy for the Jewish population. The Department is still inclined to believe that internationalization of this holy city would be the wisest course.