Editorial Note
In a statement before the United Nations Security Council on August 18, Mr. Jessup noted “suggestions” that the truce in Palestine might not continue. He then stated: “I should like to state in the clearest possible terms the view of the United States on this question. It is the view of the United States that the truce can be terminated only by the Security Council which on 15 July ordered the parties to observe the truce. No one of the States concerned, no group of the States concerned, can terminate the truce.”
Mr. Jessup also noted that the resolution of July 15 dealt with an immediate and unconditional cease-fire in Jerusalem and instructed the Mediator to bring about the demilitarization of Jerusalem. He concluded that “The parties are under an obligation to cooperate with Count Bernadotte to this end.” (SC, 3rd yr., No. 106, pages 3, 4)