867N.48/8–948: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom


3236. Dept currently considering questions raised urtel 3591, Aug. 9,1 and will inform you as views are formulated. Ref your para 1, Amcross [Page 1311] has made available 250,000 dollars medical clothing supplies to International Committee Red Cross for distribution Jews Arabs Near East. Depts Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid is actively stimulating assistance by church organizations in US and voluntary lay organizations. Church World Service2 shipping immediately 38,000 pounds clothing 175 pounds vitamins to American School Oriental Research Jerusalem, distributing agency for American voluntary relief. Depts Committee Vol Foreign Aid hopeful that US lay groups interested Near East may organize assistance on more adequate scale for Arab refugees only, since assistance from church groups being raised for both Jews Arabs.

No US public funds presently available to assist Arab refugees. We are giving earnest consideration to means of organizing international assistance this group but not now in position to advance concrete proposal. For your info solely we are exploring possibilities establishment Joint IRO–Mediator Committee and participation of IRO in Arab relief problem. IRO constitution not yet in force, and any indication of extension IRO assistance to Arab refugees would seriously affect current parliamentary action in three countries now considering ratification. If suggestion for IRO action is advanced in SC at this time, USUN is instructed to point out that IRO not yet activated and that many postwar groups refugees not now under care have prior claims on IRO assistance.

Ref your para 2, we are informing USUN of our views3 as follows:

“With ref to economic, political military factors in connection with return Arab refugees to Israel, we appreciate security considerations governing PGI attitude but believe that under supervision Mediator substantial number refugees so desiring could be permitted gradually return their homes and resume occupations without prejudicing maintenance internal security Israel. From economic viewpoint, Israel now demonstrating ability absorb large numbers European DP’s monthly. It would therefore be unfortunate for PGI, by continuing refuse permit Arab repatriation, to create impression that assimilation Jewish immigrants was taking place at expense former Arab inhabitants Israel. From political standpoint, PGI action to permit gradual return Arab refugees would provide Arabs with tangible assurance of PGI desire establish cooperative relations with Arab states on long range basis.

[“]We consider overall solution Arab refugee problem intrinsic to final settlement Palestine problem, but believe increasingly critical nature refugee problem makes it essential that at least partial return of refugees should be permitted for those so desiring prior to achievement final settlement. Moreover, we believe PGI assistance in alleviating situation would substantially improve chances securing early peaceful settlement Palestine problem. Conversely, PGI failure to cooperate by partial repatriation refugees might create difficulties for 265,000 Jews permanently residing Arab states.”

[Page 1312]

Eventuality mentioned your para 3 would be affected by relaxation of present PGI attitude towards repatriation.

While US continues believe Iraq development scheme (your para 4) worthy of implementation, it has no evidence that Iraq Govt has been or is prepared take effective steps towards implementation such program, particularly in light of its current preoccupation with Palestine. In any event Dept believes long-range Iraq development scheme would not represent solution for immediate refugee problem.

Dept’s tentative thinking4 re your para 5 outlined Deptel 3187, Aug 12, para 9 g.

Dept considers short-term program may be summarized as follows:

Mediator should be urged by SC to estimate as soon as he can numbers and location of Arab refugees, numbers desiring to return to their homes and those for whom immediate resettlement might prove practical, food and other supplies required, sources and costs thereof, food costs per person per diem and currencies in which supplies can be procured. Mediator should also be urged to make interim practical proposals for meeting problem. Suggest Mediator request assistance of experts from PCIRO and WHO in making survey.
Efforts by UN should continue to induce PGI to accept return Arab refugees initially in small numbers but increasing movement as experience demonstrates PGI security and economy not endangered in fact.
All possible assistance voluntary agencies of UN members under Mediator should be stimulated.
Possibility (not to be communicated to UK) of IRO participation in Arab refugee relief should be kept under active study until IRO activated early Sept with view to possible consideration problem by General Council IRO at initial meeting now convened for Sept 13 Geneva.

Consideration Arab refugee problem at current meeting ECOSOC not considered feasible as ECOSOC agenda was adopted after only three days debate and disposition items of agenda proceeding slowly. ECOSOC not in position to give constructive consideration to hastily drafted proposals concerning which expert and up-to-date info is at present lacking.

Long-term program in meeting Arab refugee problem can only emerge after Mediator’s report mentioned above. Chief problem is source of funds and responsible estimate of amount required annually over specified period of time.

  1. Not printed.
  2. On behalf of Protestant organizations in the United States.
  3. In telegram 534, August 14, 11 a. m., not printed.
  4. As originally set forth in telegram 531, August 13, 4 p. m., to New York, not printed.