Editorial Note
Lebanese Foreign Minister Frangié informed Minister Pinkerton on the evening of May 15 that the “Political Committee of Arab League in session at Damascus was deeply disappointed and shocked by President’s recognition of new Jewish State of Israel.” (Telegram 182, May 16, 1 p. m., from Beirut, 867N.01/5–4648)
At Damascus, “Intense preoccupation with movement Arab armies, closing university and martial law have held expressions public resentment against US recognition state to minimum. … Most observers agree, however, current calm may swiftly turn into anti-American explosion after first serious Syrian defeat or with further active US [Page 1031] support of Zionists such as lifting arms embargo.” (Telegram 295, May 16, 1 p. m., from Damascus, 867N.01/5–1648)
Official reaction in Cairo was said to be “comparatively mild” (telegram 529, May 16, 7 p. m., from Cairo, 867N.01/5–1648).
An aide-mémoire of May 21 from King Ibn Saud stated that United States recognition of the Jewish State had crushed the hopes of the Arabs (telegram 307, May 22, from Jidda, 867N.01/5–2248)