501.BB Palestine/4–1648: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Douglas) to the Secretary of State

top secret   us urgent

1583. 1. Discussed with Bevin yesterday afternoon, before his departure for Paris, substance Deptel 1260, April 9, which had been promptly submitted to him for consideration; Deptel 1315, April 14;1 and cirtel April 6, contents of which had been delivered to Bevin on receipt.

2. Bevin’s personal view is as follows, though the matter has not been submitted to the Cabinet:

While he cannot prejudge the decision of the Cabinet, he feels that to the extent to which he has discussed matter with one or two of his colleagues it would be unacceptable both to the Cabinet and to the House of Commons. Moreover, it would create a very unfavorable reaction in Britain.
Goldmann2 has been to see him recently. Bevin gathers from Goldmann that he and his group are trying to push for a settlement along the lines of the original British proposal of about two years ago with Cantons, et cetera established throughout Palestine.
He hopes that there will be a meeting in Geneva during the course of the next two or three days, attended by some forty prominent Jewish residents of Palestine, among others the head of the University of Jerusalem. This meeting, he expects, will pass a resolution urging a truce and recommending a settlement along the lines of the original British proposal of some two years ago.
He noted the peace parade which took place in Jerusalem the day before yesterday.
When asked what proposal he would suggest as an alternative to the one which we had put forward, he said at the moment he would prefer to make no commitment, and that in his judgment it would be preferable to let developments in the GA proceed for a few days before taking a position.
In view of the above, he prefers to postpone full Cabinet consideration until early next week.
HMG has great influence with the Arabs and will be persuasive with them in regard to any reasonable proposal. HMG does not, however, have any influence with the Jewish faction.

3. Lewis Jones tells me that everybody in the FonOff with whom he has discussed the question is unanimously of the view that the inclusion and re-entry of French troops into the Arab world would be disastrous and would project violent reaction because of general Arab attitude towards France.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Nahum Goldmann, American Zionist leader, at this time representing the interests of the Provisional Government of Israel at London.