501.BB Palestine/4–1548
Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by the Director of the Office of United Nations Affairs (Rusk)
Mr. Clifford stated that he had received the draft truce resolution1 and the position paper on the attitude of the United States toward the November 29 resolution2 and had given them to the President at the nine o’clock meeting today. He said that the President would read them over at the earliest possible moment and would inform him of any comments he might have.
I told Mr. Clifford that it was necessary for Senator Austin to vote in the Security Council this afternoon on the truce resolution. Mr. Clifford then said that he thought we should proceed to instruct Senator Austin to support the resolution, since he (Mr. Clifford) had looked [Page 825] it over very carefully and had told the President that he saw no objections to it and that it was in conformity with our previous discussions.
I told Mr. Clifford that we would proceed to instruct Senator Austin but that, of course, if the President subsequently wished to raise any points, we would attempt to deal with them by telephone.