501.BB Palestine/3–2448
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State for Political Affairs (Armour)
Mr. Clifford telephoned, said that last night about 7 o’clock General Carter of Secretary Marshall’s office telephoned him and said that in the ordinary course of events the U.S. Delegate to the United Nations would introduce a resolution asking for a special call of the General Assembly. General Carter had said that in view of the fact that the President was having a meeting today with Secretary Marshall, he wondered what Mr. Clifford’s reaction was as to Mr. Austin introducing the resolution. Mr. Clifford said he told General Carter that it would be unwise to introduce the resolution in view of the important conference the President was calling for today, and he thought it better be held in status quo until certain matters had been discussed. Mr. Clifford said he had tried to reach General Carter, and that he had also tried to reach Mr. Bohlen and Mr. Rusk without success, and that lie wanted to be sure that the President’s reaction on the matter had been clearly understood. He said that the President wanted absolutely nothing done until the President had discussed the matter with Secretary Marshall and others; that if such a resolution were introduced in all probability it would be accompanied by remarks, and that the President does not want anything said at present.
I said I would check into it immediately and would see that his instructions were carried out.
I checked into the matter and then telephoned Mr. Clifford that the telegram to Austin did not go out; that it had been cancelled and that it was distinctly understood at the UN that there were to be no remarks made, and that everything will be held in abeyance until after the President’s conference today.