560.AL/7–2848: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Canada
93. 1. Following is position US will take at Second Session Contracting Parties to GATT concerning, principal agenda items other than scheduling tariff negotiations. Reference provisional agenda nos. (document GATT/CP2/6, July 20, 1948)1 circulated by Wyndham-White:
4.2 Replacement GATT Arts (other than XIV and XXIV) by corresponding provisions Havana Charter in advance entry into force of Charter.
US will oppose general replacement Article I and all Part II provisions GATT. If, however, strong widespread support develops for replacement particular GATT Arts such as XVIII by corresponding Charter provisions, US prepared consider such proposals on individual [Page 927] article basis. US will oppose incorporation into GATT of Charter provisions such as Article 15 which though related GATT provisions have no exact corresponding counterparts.
8. Chilean request for extension period signature protocol.
US hopes Chile will be in position sign not later than end Second Session and will support acceptance such signature. However, would be prepared agree extension period not exceeding two months beyond closing date Second Session.
13. Application mfn provisions GATT to occupied areas.
US will propose special agreement in relation to GATT whereby signatories such special agreement would agree apply mfn provisions GATT to occupied areas Western Germany, Japan and Southern Korea. Proposed agreement would be open for adherence by non-GATT as well as GATT countries.
14. Relations between US and its Pacific Trust Territories.
US will request waiver of its GATT obligations whereunder for products of its Trust Territory US might grant free entry and unilaterally accord certain preferences, and under which customs union between such territory and other territories US might be established.
15. GATT Article XV, Exchange Arrangements.
(a) Relations with IMF
US will propose exchange of letters or similar arrangement between IMF and Contracting Parties to GATT provided a) that IMF agrees to cooperate with Contracting Parties in carrying out provisions GATT in accordance with terms thereof and, in particular, at request of Contracting Parties, to consult with Contracting Parties and render findings and determinations in accordance with para 2, Art XV; b) authorization for Chairman Contracting Parties to initiate requests, either at direction of Contracting Parties or on his own initiative if Contracting Parties are not in session, for Fund to consult with Contracting Parties and render findings and determinations pursuant para 2, Art XV.
(b) Special exchange agreements
US will propose establishment special committee for purpose implementing para 6 with following terms reference:
- (a)
- Determine after consultation with IMF time within which a Contracting Party must comply para 6, such date not to precede third GATT session, to permit review and decide on terms any such arrangement.
- (b)
- To prepare, in consultation with IMF and affected Contracting Parties, draft special exchange arrangement for consideration at third GATT session.
2. Pls discuss foregoing informally with appropriate officials with view obtaining support for US position.
3. For your info Dept making this approach to Govts Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Netherlands and U.K.