Department of State Atomic Energy Files
Memorandum of Conversation, by Mr. Clarence A. Wendel of the Office of the Under Secretary of State (Lovett)
Subject: U.K.-Indian Monazite Negotiations
Participants: | Sir Gordon Munro, Minister, British Embassy; |
Mr. J. N. Henderson, British Embassy; | |
Mr. P. S. Eaton, British Embassy; | |
Mr. John K. Gustafson, AEC; | |
Mr. John A. Hall, AEC; | |
Mr. R. Gordon Arneson, State Dept.—Mr. C. A. Wendel, State Dept. |
Under discussion was an aide-mémoire prepared by the British Embassy containing information as to the status of the subject negotiations.1 The views of the United States Government were sought regarding three points.
The consensus of the discussion was that: (1) the U.K. should attempt to prolong the negotiations in view of, (2) the desirability of maintaining control over destination of Indian monazite exports, the U.S. Government attaching considerable importance to preemption of monazite supplies, and (3) figures on U.S. AEC stocks and requirements with respect to thorium would be provided as soon as available.
With reference to point 5 of the aide-mémoire, it was agreed that the United States authorities would discuss with Lindsay2 the possibility that his Company might undertake to assist the Indians in the erection of a processing plant. In this connection it was felt that Lindsay’s attitude would be inversely related to the size of the required plant.
The U.S. representative agreed that the Lindsay conversations would be on an “as, if and when” basis to protect the present British position vis-à-vis the Indians. It was thought premature to discuss at this stage the question of possible U.S. participation in an understanding [Page 780] with the Indians. This question would have to be considered later in the light of ensuing developments.