501.BB/9–1048: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Jessup) at Paris
3564. In cirtel Sept 3 to US Missions in other American Republics; Dept reviewed situation re GA Presidency and asked FonOffs be informed our opposition any LA candidate, general preference for Western European, and neutral attitude if no suitable French-speaking Western European found. Cirtel implied we had doubts re Evatt.
View changed circumstances (Deptel 3501, Sept 8), suggest you raise matter in your discretion LA Dels. State now little possibility strong French or other Western European candidate available. US not making any advance commitment Presidency. In absence strong alternative candidate, US disposed vote for Evatt but not campaign for him or anyone else.
Inform LA Dels also (a) our feeling Spaak would be best possible Choice Chairman Comm 1 if he agrees serve; (b) US strongly supporting [Page 133] Norway to replace Belgium SC and hopes other LA states will do same. Make clear our choices do not affect our support usual number LA candidates for UN Councils and three posts on GC of GA.