501.BB/9–748: Telegram
The Acting United States Representative at the United Nations (Jessup) to the Secretary of State
Delga 1. RefDeptel 3306 of August 26 [25] and my telephone conversation with Rusk today, have conferred with Ambassador Caffery regarding question of French presidency of GA. Understand Schuman definitely would not serve and French Government has no desire for position. It is possible that if US presses hard, it might be arranged that Marie1 would accept but in Ambassador’s opinion, because of French reluctance, this would require considerable campaign [Page 128] on our part to secure the appropriate support for Marie. In my opinion, under these circumstances, it would be preferable to drop attempt to secure French president and make best of bad bargain by throwing full support behind Evatt thus obtaining as much of his good will as possible. In view plans for discussions in Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and with Evatt possibly Monday in London, urgently request instructions on Department’s view. Assume Department advising Douglas2 our pending visit to London.
I understand from telephone conversation this afternoon with Baruch3 at The Hague that Dulles4 on his recent visit discussed GA items with Dutch officials. Any background we can have on these talks would also be much appreciated.
- André Marie, French Prime Minister from about July 26 to August 28, 1948.↩
- Lewis W. Douglas, Ambassador to the United Kingdom.↩
- Herman B. Baruch, Ambassador to the Netherlands.↩
- John Foster Dulles; appointed a Representative on the U.S. Delegation to the Third Session of the General Assembly; adviser on foreign affairs to the Republican Party nominee for President of the United States (1948), Mr. Thomas E. Dewey.↩