501.BC/8–648: Telegram

The Ambassador in Norway (Bay) to the Secretary of State


526. Although Norwegian Government concurs with US position desirable that Belgian seat UNSC remain in western or northern Europe it is not yet prepared to declare extent its interest in becoming successor to Belgium (Deptel 379, August 4). Since Norwegians feel that by process of elimination only nations likely to be “eligible” from west or north Europe are Norway and Sweden, it is intended Foreign Minister Lange will discuss this point with Swedes at meeting Stockholm about September 10. Norwegians foresee difficulties may arise in reserving seat for area since they do not expect Arab League willing to see India (which has already proposed review geographical distribution [Page 104] council seats) succeed Syria. Norwegians also regard Latin-Americans most unlikely yield Colombia’s seat to nation from other area. Therefore India as representative states having large area and substantial economic influence may compete for Belgian seat. Foreign Office will inform Embassy as soon as Norwegian position taken but do not expect to reach conclusions until after Stockholm meeting.

Norwegian delegation UNGA tentatively named but must await approval Foreign Minister on his return from vacation next week. “Lange certain to go” and balance delegation “will resemble those attending past UN meetings”.
