711F.1914/12–647: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Panama
us urgent
555. Urtel 710 Dec 6.71 Desire of Panamanian Govt to initiate conversations on economic assistance fully appreciated and Dept disposed to cooperate. There is some concern however lest our assurances this regard be greatly exaggerated by Jimenez administration in effort secure ratification defense sites agreement by Assembly. Any such exaggeration would of course in long run be detrimental to over-all relations were actual possible assistance to fall materially short Panamanian expectations. You should convey this concern to FonMin and President at time of replying to Panamanian note of Dec. 6, making it clear that our concern should not be interpreted as modifying in any way our desire cooperate to fullest possible extent.
In reply to Dec 6 note you are requested present following note FonOff:
“I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s note of Dec 6 in which you refer to the aspirations of the Govt of Panama with reference to the economic cooperation which your Govt hopes to receive in accordance with the joint obligations of our two governments as provided for in Article I of the general Treaty of 1936.
In this note Your Excellency expresses the hope that there will be initiated as soon as possible conversations and negotiations on this subject.
In reply I am glad to inform Your Excellency that my Govt is in entire accord with the procedure suggested, and is prepared to initiate conversations on economic matters with the Govt of Panama on any date after Jan 1, 1948 which the Govt of Panama may care to designate. It is understood that such conversations will take fully into account the legitimate aspirations and interests of both countries under the broad principles of the Treaty of 1936.
Please accept etc.”
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