817.01/12–3147: Circular telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics Except Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua 86
Extension of recognition by Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic to de facto regime of Román y Reyes in Nicaragua87 constitutes important change in previously existing situation where all American Republics were pursuing similar course of action in withholding recognition.
In accordance with our desire to consult with other American Republics on matters of mutual interest, Dept desires to ascertain views of Govt to which you are accredited in regard to this action by Costa Rican and Dominican Govts. In discussing matter with FonMin you may state that there has been no change in Dept’s policy over recent months, but that this Govt desires to be fully informed of present attitude of other Govts in light of changed situation and will be largely influenced in its policy towards Nicaragua by views of other American Republics.
- Repeated to San José, Ciudad Trujillo, and Managua for information only.↩
- Recognition on Christmas Day by the Costa Rican Government of the de facto Government of Nicaragua was closely followed on December 27 by recognition on the part of the Dominican Republic (despatch 1894, December 29, 1947 from Managua, filed under 817.01/12–2947).↩