812.628/12–947: Airgram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Mexico
A–923. Reference Embassy’s telegram 1406 December 9, 1947.15 Department concurs Embassy’s recommendation.
Department would appreciate receiving promptly Embassy’s evaluation past publicity regarding proposed United States-Mexican fisheries treaty in Mexican publications and probable effect these newspaper accounts on opinions of government officials or public; also recommendations with reference desirability of later release in Mexico of U.S. 1945 draft. In view Lindner’s16 statement that additional publicity at this time will stimulate opposition to treaty, Embassy is instructed not approach Mexican Government to request permission release in this country or give permission release U.S. 1945 draft in Mexico until further instructed by Department.
Department being criticized for failure inform and consult with fishing industry and Congress on international problems of concern, to fishing industry. Believe essential, if proposed treaty is to receive support in this country, that all important segments industry affected must be consulted on all phases before commencement Mexican treaty negotiations. For this reason public release in this country of substance U.S. 1945 draft and Mexican memorandum thereon is considered highly desirable. If, however, a simultaneous release substance these documents in Mexico would have repercussions inimical to welfare treaty negotiations, some other course of action must be considered. Industry consultation in this country might be achieved by informing interested persons on confidential basis of all pertinent points for their consideration and advice, without releasing contents U.S. or Mexican documents to newspapers or periodicals. Department would like Embassy’s views in order to help determine desirable course of action.