800.515/12–1846: Airgram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Brazil
A–75. Reference is made to your despatch no. 1295 of December 18, 194676 concerning a proposed Brazilian law affecting property of enemy nationals.
The Department has not raised objections to the lifting of restrictions in other countries if the main objectives of the Replacement Program or other security measures are not prejudiced thereby, but it prefers lifting of restrictions on an ad hoc basis after review of individual cases and has so indicated to several American Republics. The Department realizes, however, that such individual review would he extremely difficult to administer in Brazil in view of the broad scope and application of Decree Law no. 4166. The Department further realizes that it is the apparent intention of the AGEDE to prevent certain highly undesirable elements from being benefitted by the proposed law, but the question arises whether Article 7 is sufficiently broad or whether it would be desirable to extend this Article 7 in any respect, e.g. so as to include other persons who have actively engaged in inimical activities or who may be qualified candidates for repatriation [Page 487] to Germany. The Department would appreciate receiving your comments on this point and suggests that you may wish to discuss this point with officers of the AGEDE, if you consider such action feasible.
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