710 Consultation 4/7–1847: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Chile
765. Brazilian Emb here has had in succession four telegrams from FonOff giving changing instructions re observers at Rio Conference.
[Page 24]First told representative on Governing Board of Pan American Union that Great Britain and France had asked Brazil to be allowed to have observers at Conference and that he should submit matter to Director General PAU. Second said that Brazil was inclined to disapprove of suggestion since it would create precedent for similar requests on part of other Govts which might not be welcome. Third gave Brazilian Govt’s position as being opposed to observers of non-American countries in general but favoring Canada being represented by an observer if it desired and inviting Secretary General of United Nations to be present. Special committee of Governing Board to consider problem understood to be presenting report to Governing Board at next meeting July 21 along lines of third suggestion.
Today Brazilian Emb informed Dept it had recd tel suggesting formula to invite all countries having territorial interests in western hemisphere to have observers at Conference, thus allowing Canada, Great Britain, France and Netherlands to be represented, and stating that if US representative on Governing Board would introduce resolution to this effect it would have support of Brazil.
Brazilian Emb has been informed that, while Dept would be prepared to go along with idea of Secretariat General and Canadian observers, it is definitely opposed to any extension. This is in keeping with precedent established at previous inter-American conferences. Dept feels strongly that attendance even in observation capacity by any non-American countries under whatever pretext would tend to open door to further, perhaps undesirable requests. Meeting is regional one and general interest in it would seem to be adequately covered by invitation to Secretary General.
Brazilian Emb stated it would immediately inform FonOff of Dept’s position but foregoing is transmitted for your guidance in any conversations with FonOff.