Memorandum of Telephone Conversation, by Mr. J. K. Havemeyer of the International Resources Division
In the course of a telephone conversation with Mr. George Robbins, Mr. Havemeyer inquired if the protocol for the extension of the Inter-American Coffee Agreement for one year beginning October 1, 1947 is acceptable to the National Coffee Association and to the trade as it is now written. Mr. Robbins replied that the Association and trade agree that the protocol should be presented to the Senate for ratification as it is now written, but he pointed out it is generally agreed that upon the expiration of the year under reference, e.g., as of October 1, 1948, the functions of the Inter-American Coffee Board may advantageously be taken over by the Pan American Union. In addition, Mr. Robbins said that all quotas and references thereto should be eliminated from any future international coffee arrangement.