Memorandum by Mr. William McAfee, of the Division of Chinese Affairs
There are attached the despatches and telegrams pertaining to the appointment of a civil aeronautics adviser to the Chinese Government.12 The blue copy of the telegram which is in this file has been marked “not to be sent”.
Mr. Butterworth, Director for Far Eastern Affairs, was in Nanking when the two attached despatches were prepared. He has indicated that the preparation of the letter to the Generalissimo should be a responsibility of the Department of State rather than of the Embassy. He concurred with the opinion that this letter should incorporate the provisions considered necessary for the effective functioning of the air adviser as set forth in the January 15 memorandum (Nanking’s despatch 48813) and the draft letter14 to the Generalissimo originally prepared in the Embassy (Nanking’s despatch 58015). He has requested that this file be returned to the Aviation Division which might in its discretion consult the CAB in the preparation of such a letter. This letter to the Generalissimo will form the basis of an agreement with the Chinese Government which will eventually be registered with the UN. For this reason it will be necessary to avoid the mention in it of classified documents or the inclusion of material which might reflect discredit on the Chinese Government.
When the letter has been prepared the Embassy will be requested to ascertain informally whether the proposals contained therein are acceptable to the Chinese Government. If they are acceptable the Department will request the necessary legislation.