740.00115 PW/9–2347

The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State

No. 1017

The Ambassador has the honor to enclose for the information of the Department a copy of a self-explanatory tabulation prepared by the Army Advisory Group which shows the number of Japanese and certain miscellaneous persons repatriated from China since V–J Day.


Memorandum by the Army Advisory Group in China

Repatriation Activities

24 February 1947 to 15 September 1947

1. status of repatriation 24 february 1947

Prior to the assumption by AAG of the residual repatriation mission from Executive Headquarters, the following number of persons had been repatriated from China under this program.

[Page 997]
Area of Origin Military Civilian Total
South China 112,681 13,985 126,666
Indo-China 29,352 1,690 31,042
Formosa 157,330 317,623 474,953
Central China 685,286 127,718 813,004
North China 239,286 313,612 552,898
Manchuria 17,361 1,001,651 1,019,012
Total 1,241,296 1,776,279 3,017,575
Miscellaneous Persons
Areas as listed above
Indonesians: 95
Koreans: 61,371
Formosans: 12,493
Filipino: 29
Okinawans: 15,407
Total 89,395
Grand Total 3,106,970

2. repatriation activity under the army advisory group

The following persons have been repatriated with the advice and assistance of the Army Advisory Group, 24 February 1947 to 15 September 1947.

Area of Origin Military Civilian Total
Formosa (2 shipments) 4 3,206 3,210
Central China (3 shipments) 165 405 570
North China (4 shipments) 3 91 94
Manchuria (9 shipments) 18,520 18,520
Total 172 22,222 22,394
Okinawans (1 shipment) 359
Koreans (1 shipment) 413
Total 772
Grand Total 23,166

3. aggregate total repatriated to september 15, 1947

[Page 998]
Military Civilian Total
South China 112,681 13,985 126,666
Indo-China 29,352 1,690 31,042
Formosa 157,334 320,829 478,163
Central China 685,451 128,123 813,574
North China 239,289 313,703 552,992
Manchuria 17,361 1,020,171 1,037,532
Total 1,241,468 1,798,501 3,039,969
Miscellaneous Persons
Indonesians: 95
Koreans: 61,784
Formosans: 12,493
Filipino: 29
Okinawans: 15,766
Total 90,167
Grand Total 3,130,136

4. japanese remaining to be repatriated

Based on information available to Executive Headquarters, at the time the residual repatriation mission was passed to the Army Advisory Group, the following are the number of Japanese now remaining in China.

South China 396
Indo-China 37
Formosa 637
Central China 1,774
North China (1) 5,267
Manchuria: (2)
National Government Area (3) 18,000
Communist Area 50,000


1,000 scheduled for movement 5 October 1947.
Data on Manchuria is highly questionable. These figures are purely estimates based upon such miscellaneous information as was available.
10,000 scheduled for movement 27–30 September 1947.