893.24/11–647: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Stuart)
1401. Following is Secy’s reply for safehandling to FonMin (Your unnumbered [No. 2200] tel Nov 6, 1 p.m.):
“Dear Dr. Wang: Before leaving for London I wish to thank you for the letter which you gave Amb Stuart for transmission to me. No doubt Amb Koo has already reported to you the substance of our conversation on Nov. 13,1 in the course of which I supplied him with background information in regard to the proposed assistance for China which I set forth in broad outline to the Congressional Committees last week.2 I particularly want you to know, as I told Amb Koo, that we are seeking to determine what ammunition suitable for Chinese needs may be available in the Marianas and expect further to communicate with you on the subject as soon as it is possible. Dr. Koo will have informed you, I am sure, of my views as to the undesirability of publicity with respect to this matter.”