893.00/3–1547: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 17—3:55 a.m.]
571. Following is translation text of telegram appearing in Ta Kung Pao, March 13, which was sent to Foreign Ministers Conference, Moscow, March 12, by 56 prominent Chinese leaders in Shanghai including Chang Lan, chairman Democratic League; Ma Hsu-lun, [Page 615] [for?] civic leaders; Lo Lung-chi, spokesman Democratic League; Ma Yin-chu, professor economics; Huang Yen-pei, Shen Chun-ju and Chang Po-chun, Democratic Leaguers, and Kwo Mo-jo, writer:
“We hope that those countries participating in Foreign Ministers Conference now being held in Moscow will be able to: 1, abide by agreement not to interfere with China’s domestic affairs and immediately withdraw all their troops from China. Pending the inauguration of real democratic and unified coalition government in China, they will cease any help to either one of the warring parties; 2, make utmost efforts to bring civil war in China to early end and to realize democracy and unity in this country in accordance with agreement re China issue reached at Three Power Foreign Ministers Conference held in December 1945.
“We are fully aware that these two hopes represent real desire of Chinese people and earnestly hope that governments and peoples of all our friendly neighboring countries will be able to help the Chinese people to realize their hopes at an early date.”