893.77/8–2247: Telegram

The Consul General at Tsingtao (Spiker) to the Secretary of State

66. Entire Tsingtao–Tsinan railway line, 75% of mileage totally destroyed by Communists during 6 months occupation, now reoccupied by Government forces virtually without bloodshed. Important Poshan coal mines reportedly demolished. As Communists have not suffered any recent major defeat in Shantung, Government “offensive” [Page 261] possibly was cautious occupation of positions abandoned by Communists, probably in accordance with strategic operations of latter. Despite press predictions of early reopening railway, shipment from Tsingtao to Pukow in recent weeks of rolling stock, equipment and personnel point to re-establishment highway rather than railway where destruction of practically all bridges poses a major problem.

No. 83 to Embassy, repeated 66 to Department.
