856E.01/4–1847: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Netherlands


187. Urtel 266, Apr 18.63 Dept issued no statement de facto recognition. When queried by several news agencies on stories not originating Dept, officials stated following:

U.S. had requested Neth FonOff inform Indonesian Republic that it accorded Republic same de facto recognition accorded by Neth Govt under Lingga Djati Agreement.
U.S. Govt recognizes sovereignty Neth in NEI.
U.S. will continue to be represented in NEI by Consul General, Batavia. However, U.S. desired Consul General Batavia to deal directly with Indonesian authorities in matters determined to be within their competence.

  1. Not printed; it inquired about an AP despatch of April 17 from Washington concerning U.S. recognition of de facto jurisdiction of Indonesian Republic (856E.01/4–1847). In reporting the same to the Legation in Egypt in telegram 676, April 29, 4 p.m., the Department noted that “US Govt recognizes continuance Neth sovereignty over entire NEI pending establishment sovereign United States of Indonesia as contemplated Lingga Djati.” (856E.00/4–2647)