856E.01/4–347: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Consulate General at Batavia
us urgent
89. 1. You are requested to express to Van Mook and Sjahrir gratification this Govt at signing Linggadjati Agreement.
2. You are further requested to inform Van Mook and Sjahrir in writing that the US recognizes de facto jurisdiction of Republic of Indonesia in Sumatra, Java and Madoera and consequently that you are authorized to deal with Republican Govt on matters within competence of that Govt on a de facto basis on behalf of this Govt.48
3. At your early convenience you should, if possible, proceed to Djockja and express to Soekarno this Govt’s gratification at signing Linggadjati Pact.
4. You should also inform Van Mook, Sjahrir and Soekarno of earnest hope this Govt that further negotiations implement Linggadjati Pact will be approached by both Neth and Republican Govts with resolution to achieve objectives outlined in Pact and with mutual understanding and respect for views of the other Govt and peoples it represents.
AmEmbassy, Hague being requested notify FonOfE in similar vein.49
- In telegram 119, April 8, 3 p.m., from Batavia, Consul General Foote reported the absence in India of Premier Sjahrir and added: “My sincere opinion is that de facto recognition of republic now will either torpedo Linggadjati Pact or greatly delay its implementation. It appears Indo extremists are seeking every possible way to delay or destroy the pact. Recognition now, plus case of ship Martin Behrman, will go long way to delay fulfillment.” (856E.01/4–847)↩
- Telegram 159, April 3, 7 p.m., to The Hague, not printed.↩