895.00/12–647: Telegram

The Acting Political Adviser in Korea (Langdon) to the Secretary of State


505. Cite Zpol 1443. Reftel 50688 today will give translation of Rhee’s statement to press 5th. Statement sets Korean people against American authorities and administration by deliberately misrepresenting facts, US aims, and relief operations, represents American commander as an absolute monarch or war lord (reflecting no doubt his own philosophy of government) rather than as constituted United States executive for Korea; questions our governing authority; and attributes postponement of his general election to Hodge’s personal perverseness rather than to UN resolution which has time and again been publicly explained to people. Also he implies that Hodge had a hand in or knew in advance or approved SKIG cabinet’s “outline”.89 He totally ignores UN plan and preparations being made for temporary commission’s work.

Department representatives may wish to show statement to Limb or Oliver with appropriate comment on its dangerous, destructive and unfriendly implications both to the United Nations and to the United States. Suggestion is also made that it be brought to attention and explained to proper UN or temporary commission authorities and that it perhaps be given a press playback damaging to Rhee. Please consult Jacobs.

  1. December 6, not printed.
  2. For disapproval by Skila, see footnote 42, p. 830.