Editorial Note
On October 29 the second Soviet proposal, to invite Korean representatives to take part in discussion of Korea, was taken up first, as a matter of procedure, in the First Committee on political and security questions, and the United States offered an amendment providing for a temporary commission of the United Nations to expedite Korean elections (document A/C.1/230; United Nations, GA (II), First Committee, [Page 850] page 606). The Soviet bloc opposed the amendment as not being procedural, and China proposed an amendment of the American text (document A/C.1/231; ibid., page 607); this was accepted by the United States (ibid., page 279).
On October 30 a Byelorussian amendment of the American text was submitted (document A/C.1/234; ibid., page 608), and then the Ukraine submitted a draft resolution (document A/C.1/233; ibid., page 607) to take up the American amendment together with the substance of the Korean question. At Venezuela’s suggestion, the American amendment was voted as part of the second Soviet proposal by 43–6 (4 abstaining); ibid., page 278. The Ukrainian resolution was then rejected by 40–6 (5 abstaining); ibid., page 279. The Byelorussian amendment of the American text was thereupon rejected by 36–6 (9 abstaining), and the Soviet bloc announced it would be unable to vote on the American amendment; ibid., page 279. The second Soviet proposal as amended was voted by 41–0 (7 abstaining); ibid., page 281. Finally, the original Soviet proposal was rejected by 35–6 (10 abstaining); ibid., page 281. For text of resolution as adopted, see telegram 256, November 3, to Seoul, page 851.
The Soviet position was stated as one of not participating in a UN temporary commission unless Korean representatives were first consulted, and a draft resolution to postpone the Korean question was submitted (document A/C.1/235; ibid., page 608); this was rejected by 33–6 (12 abstaining), ibid., page 282.
Debate on the main American and Soviet resolutions was resumed. Egypt stated its preference for troop withdrawal from Korea; India favored a compromise, including elections on a national, not a zonal, basis with UN temporary commission control, followed by formation of a national government and troop withdrawal; ibid., page 282.