740.00119 Control (Korea)/9–1747: Telegram

The Political Adviser in Korea (Jacobs) to the Secretary of State


359. Cite Zpol 1182. Sixtieth meeting of Joint Commission held afternoon September 17 for about 45 minutes at call of General Shtikov, chairman for the week.

General Shtikov read a statement6 accusing US delegation of deliberately complicating and delaying the work of the Commission. Then after summarizing, as he has done before, various proposals which have been made by the Soviet delegation and rejected by the; US delegation, the statement proposed as follows:

  • “1. Sub-commission Number 3 immediately to initiate a study of the written answers to the questionnaires distributed by the Joint Commission which had been submitted to the Joint Commission in written form by the democratic parties and social organization[s], and to submit to the Joint Commission projects for the structure of the provisional Korean democratic government and the local bodies of authority (provisional charter) and the political platform.
  • 2. Sub-commission Number 3 to submit to the Joint Commission proposals regarding the personnel composition of the provisional government and regarding the order of assumption of authority by that govt.
  • 3. As regards the problem of the formation of the provisional all Korean peoples assembly, the Soviet delegation considers that the objections regarding that question advanced by the American delegation in its statement of 3 September not to be well founded and proposed that it is necessary to continue the discussion of this problem for the purpose of reaching agreement.”

These proposals were conditioned, however, on the cessation of oppression “of leftists in South Korea and the release of leftists now under arrest with assurance of free and unimpeded activity on their dirt box”. [sic]

General Brown expressed disappointment that Soviet statement contained no indication of willingness on part of Soviet delegation to concede the right of all Korean political parties and social organizations to equality of consideration in the formation of their government. He said statement would be translated, studied and reply made at later date.

American delegation will reply to Soviet statement to the effect that unless and until Soviet delegation is willing to accept the principle of equality of consideration for participation in the formation of the provisional government of all parties and organization[s] which are [Page 794] not barred for specific cause by mutual agreement, the American delegation perceives no object in the further discussion of the formation of the provisional all-Korean peoples assembly as suggested by the Soviet delegation.

Urgently request confirmation of this proposed action.

  1. The statement was released to the press the same afternoon.