501.BB/9–1647: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the Soviet Union 2

us urgent

1738. Please deliver following letter to FonOff immediately and inform Dept of time of delivery.3 Copy being given Soviet Chargé, New York.

“Dear Mr. Molotov: The decision of the Soviet Govt as conveyed in your letter of September 4, not to participate in Four Power discussions of proposals of the US Govt designed to achieve the speedy realization of the aims of the Moscow Agreement on Korea is regretted. For almost 2 years the US Govt has been faithfully endeavoring to reach agreement with, the Soviet Govt to carry out the terms of the Moscow Agreement but with no appreciable success. It has even proved impossible for the Soviet and US Dels on the Joint Commission in Korea to agree upon a joint report of the status of their deliberations up to the present. There is no sign of the early setting up of a Korean Provisional Govt. Korea remains divided and her promised independence unrealized.

The US Govt believes that this situation must not be permitted to continue indefinitely. In view of the fact that bilateral negotiations have not advanced Korean independence and that the Soviet Govt does not agree to discussions among the powers adhering to the Moscow Agreement, there is but one course remaining. It is the intention, therefore, of my Govt to refer the problem of Korean independence to the forthcoming session of the General Assembly of the UN. It is suggested that the members of the Joint Commission hold themselves in readiness to give such aid and assistance to the General Assembly as may be required during the Assembly’s consideration of this problem.

It is the hope of my Govt that consideration of this problem by the General Assembly may result in bringing about the early restoration of freedom and independence to the long suffering people of Korea.

Copies of this letter have been furnished to the Govts of the UK and China.

Accept, Sir … etc.

Robert A. Lovett”

  1. Repeated as telegram 195 to Seoul, substituting the following for first paragraph: “Following note despatched today to AmEmbassy Moscow for immediate delivery. Secretary will announce in speech before UN tomorrow that Korean case being submitted to General Assembly.”
  2. It was delivered to the Foreign Office at 12:30, September 17, Moscow time.