740.00119 Control (Korea)/5–3047: Telegram

The Political Adviser in Korea (Langdon) to the Secretary of State


132. Cite Zpol 735. Summary of 27th meeting Joint Commission May 29, General Shtikov presiding, follows:

Shtikov opened meeting by taking exception to AP article from Seoul in Stars and Stripes 25th entitled “Americans Have Gained Partial Victory”, which related to minute approved last session that each Chief Commissioner would have the right to meet with press to discuss no [non-] secret material. Claiming it gave wrong impression of the case, Shtikov proposed a revision of decision number 2 (concerning press releases) which would narrow the scope of what the Chief Commissioners might tell the press. We agreed to study the proposal.

Next item was approval of questionnaire of structure and principles of organization of provisional govt. We had originally intended to make some revisions but, to avoid an issue over a relatively unimportant matter, yielded in Subcommission to wish of Soviet’s that the old questionnaire be adopted. Soviets then proposed like adoption of the old questionnaire on a political platform, but we indicated we desired some changes. Accordingly the Subcommission was told to examine differences and report at next Commission meeting. Shtikov then went on to what he alluded to humorously as our number one problem, that is, order of consultation with parties, which had reached an impasse in Subcommission. In latter the Soviets wanted the old decision to consult orally only 30 parties from North and South Korea to stand, and to announce beforehand the three conditions for consultation laid down in General Hodge’s letter of December 24. In view of the Marshall–Molotov agreement on wide participation of Korean parties in consultation, our policy is to place no initial numerical limitation on parties to be orally consulted provided they have membership of over 1000 and branches in two or more provinces. Determination of parties to be orally consulted, under our proposal, is to be made after all parties as just mentioned have filed their applications to be heard. Since we anticipate northern parties to be solidly Communist dictated and as the strong Communist dominated leftist political body of South Korea will have to be given a fair representation, the result of orally consulting only 30 parties would be negotiation with a predominant, if not overwhelming, Communist dictated group. Also if the three Hodge rules for consultation and exclusion therefrom are announced beforehand, we insist they should be accompanied by a reference [Page 656] to freedom of opinion. In view of wide disagreement, Shtikov proposed that the question be bypassed for the time being and that in meantime a joint announcement be made publishing joint communiqué number 5 together with approved questionnaires and inviting all interested parties to sign the declaration therein and make their recommendations on the questionnaires by June 20. After recess to consider the proposal, we rejected it on ground no announcement should be made until there is agreement on decision number 4 (order of consultation). Following this General Brown read a paper quoting passages in Hodge–Chistiakov and Marshall–Molotov exchanges which specifically conflicted with the idea of restrictive consultation and reiterating the American position that expressions of opinion regarding the Moscow agreement would not affect eligibility for consultation. Shtikov claimed that his proposal for an announcement now had in mind expediting the work of the Commission, that it would not influence the order of consultation, that it would start the Koreans studying their answers and that it would show them we were on the job. General Brown agreed that Shtikov’s views had much merit but declared it would be useless and cause confusion if a general invitation were extended to parties and the latter qualified themselves for consultation only to be later excluded therefrom. Meeting adjourned after agreement that at the next meeting each delegation would prepare a draft joint communiqué indicating agreement was reached on the text of communiqué number 5 with annexed questionnaires but not on methods of consultation. Shtikov also stated he would present the Soviet position on order of consultation at next meeting on 31st.
