740.00119 Control (Korea)/5–1747: Telegram
The Political Adviser in Korea (Langdon) to the Secretary of State
104. Cite Zgbi 658. This headquarters yesterday, 15 May, released long message from Representative Democratic Council to Secretary closing with a demand for immediate withdrawal of occupation forces to make way for interim government in process of being created by Koreans themselves.
Department will recall RDC has lost its former quasi-official character and become the tool of the most extreme and intransigent rightist element whose fate is bound up in the status quo. As for the message it is understood that Dr. Rhee is aware of it and may have had a hand in drafting it. To us this is an indication that the Rhee–Kim Koo “diehards” are preparing a last desperate effort to embarrass, if not sabotage, the work of the Joint Commission by resurrecting the trusteeship issue and exciting the people.
Recommend that the message be ignored. Our impression is that the vast majority of Korean people and most newspapers are jubilant over the news of the reconvening of the Joint Commission and prospect of national provisional government.