740.00119 Control (Korea)/5–747
Draft Message To Be Transmitted to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, at Tokyo64
General Hodge’s conclusion is correct that Molotov in his reply65 (text delayed in transmission from Moscow sent to you as State series 75 April 30) did not concede basic principle of freedom of expression for Koreans. Secretary Marshall’s reply to Molotov66 expressly calls for recognition of this principle (text transmitted to you as State series 74, April 30). Molotov has not yet responded, but text will be transmitted to you when received.
Reference possibility complete withdrawal Soviet forces opening way for demand for American withdrawal, U.S. would agree to such withdrawal, provided satisfactory assurances of implementation of Moscow decision are given, and only after (a) establishment Provisional Korean Government and (b) establishment of such Government’s [Page 640] authority over all armed forces, which would require demobilization Korean Native Army in North.
In event of development of threatened or actual Korean native Army operations across zonal border, General Hodge should make clear he is prepared to take action necessary to protect his authority or general internal order within his zone. Please report developments indicating likelihood such action by northern armed groups.
- Cleared at Staff meeting on May 7 and transmitted to SWNCC for despatch by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A message substantially to this effect, but taking account of further diplomatic developments and providing fuller military instructions, was dispatched to General MacArthur on May 27, with Department of State concurrence, as War 98911.↩
- April 19, p. 632.↩
- Supra.↩