740.0011 PW (Peace)/3–2047
Memorandum by the Political Adviser in Japan (Atcheson) to General of the Army Douglas MacArthur
eyes alone
Subject: Outline and Various Sections of Draft Treaty.
Subjoined are preliminary State Department “committee” drafts as follows:75
- (1)
- Outline of the Peace Treaty with Japan.
- (2)
- Preamble to the Treaty.
- (3)
- Chapter I—Territorial Clauses.
- (4)
- Chapter II—Clauses Relating to Ceded Territories.
Chapter V, Interim Controls, was recently communicated to you.
As stated in the covering memorandum addressed to me76 these drafts are tentative and have not as yet been approved by the State Department committee working on the drafts or elsewhere in the State Department. The other sections of the draft treaty as indicated in the outline have not yet been drafted.
With reference to Chapter I, Territorial Clauses, article A, 1, I understand that discussion is still continuing between JCS and SWNCC in regard to the future of Okinawa and the most southern part of the Kuriles.
Any comment you might wish to make in regard to any portion of the draft would, of course, be most welcome.