The Assistant Secretary of State (Hilldring) to the Chairman of the Far Eastern Commission (McCoy)
My Dear General McCoy: Reference is made to your letter of April 24, 1947,9 enclosing an extract from the verbatim minutes of the meeting on that day of the Far Eastern Commission which related to a query made by the French Representative, Ambassador Naggiar, with regard to the division of Japanese combatant vessels among the Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, China, and the U.S.S.R.10 Ambassador Naggiar pointed out that the problem of the disarmament of Japan had been under consideration by the Far Eastern Commission, particularly by Committee No. 7, and requested information on this matter, particularly as to the basis on which the division of the vessels was to be made.
Should Ambassador Naggiar again raise this question in the Commission, you may wish to reply that the division of Japanese combatant vessels of destroyer tonnage or less was the subject of agreement among the four Powers mentioned above shortly after the surrender of Japan. You will recall that the Governments of the United States, United Kingdom, China, and the U.S.S.R., declared at Moscow on October 30, 1943, “that those of them at war with a common enemy will act together in all matters relating to the surrender and disarmament of the enemy”. Consequently, in accordance with this agreement, the disposition of the Japanese fleet was decided upon by the four Powers. All submarines and large surface vessels, above destroyer size, were to be destroyed and all destroyers and surface combatant vessels of lesser tonnage were to be divided equally among the four Powers. The four Governments concerned have appointed their representatives in Japan and it is expected that the division will proceed shortly.
[Page 409]For your confidential information, the United States Government has for some time been in correspondence with the French Government with regard to handing over to the French a portion of the United States share of these ships and is prepared to consider favorably a French request for certain of these vessels.
In view of these considerations, it is not believed that the division of Japanese combatant vessels is a subject for useful discussion by the Far Eastern Commission. It would therefore appear to be unnecessary for the United States Representative to raise this question in the Commission, and it is suggested that the information contained in this letter be used in your discretion only if the French Representative chooses again to introduce this subject at a meeting of the Far Eastern Commission.
Sincerely yours,