740.00119 PW/4–2947: Telegram

The Consul General at Rangoon (Packer) to the Secretary of State


337. Shwe Baw has requested me inform Dept Governor78 today telegraphed Secretary of State for Burma79 that Burma desires be represented proposed Far Eastern Commission Tokyo in May on Jap reparations. He said Executive Council disappointed it had had no opportunity present its views before decision reached (Dept Wireless Bulletin April 480) alloting only 5% for UK, Burma, Malaya, et cetera, and was inclined blame HMG; it felt Burma’s share of these 3% insufficient and inequitable.

British group of four members, he said, was due leave London for Tokyo April 21 but had no information whether it had actually departed from UK.

I promised inform Dept.

In this connection see Rangoon press clippings series No. 3, April 1280 items g 5 and 6.

Relay London as 68.81

  1. Maj. Gen. Sir Hubert E. Rance.
  2. Lord Pethick-Lawrence, Secretary of State for India and Burma.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Not printed.
  5. This was done on April 29 at 9 a.m.